Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Believe in Laser Therapy

In Veterinary practice, therapy lasers can be used alone or in combination with other tools to decrease recovery time, help manage pain and treat other conditions.

How Does it Work?
Light energy enters the damaged cells and stimulates inter-cellular activity. This reduces pain in the area and speeds recovery of the damaged cells. Once the cells recover, the healing process is complete.

What are the Benefits of laser therapy?
Relief of Chronic pain, such as arthritis
Relief of acute pain, such as trauma or injury
Strong anti- inflammatory effect
Stimulates healing of damaged tissue
Speeds recovery of the structural integrity of injured region
Improvement of local blood circulation
Postoperative pain relief and faster wound healing.

One of its great benefits is that it is non-invasive and well tolerated with no known side effects. It also offers a great promise in some hard to treat disease processes

What can my pet and I expect during a Treatment?
Laser therapy is a completely painless treatment that lasts an average of 3 minutes. Your pet may experience a comfortable sensation at the point of application. Also you and your pet will be given special goggles and doggles to wear during the procedure. Don't worry we haven't met a patient or owner who did not look cool while wearing them!

What can be expected after the Treatment?
Most patients see positive results in one to three treatments. Acute conditions can subside with as few as one set of treatments. Chronic conditions can be managed with regular monthly treatments. And there are no known negative side effects.

What conditions have we used laser therapy for?
We have used laser therapy for a variety of different conditions such as:
Arthritis pain
Post-operation healing
Wound healing
Lick Granulomas
Inflamed Ears/Ear infections
Hip Dysplasia
Disc Disease/IVDD
Joint disease
Bone Fractures

We are extremely proud to offer Laser therapy as part of our practice. The application of laser therapy is an exciting tool to aid in the treatment of a number of medical conditions. As the use increases, more standardized treatment protocols continue to evolve. If you think your pet can benefit from laser therapy, please come see us. We will be happy to go over the many applications, the success stories and can arrange the perfect protocol for you and your pet.