Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Fear Free Veterinary Practice

A Fear Free Practice is Very Important to Us!

Not every Veterinary practice is a Fear Free practice and some practices don't think the idea is important. So why is Munford Animal Hospital concerned with becoming a fear free practice? Or maybe a better question is why should you as the owner be concerned if we are a fear free practice.
We are making both a pet’s physical and emotional wellbeing a priority. Stress is not good for people or their pets! Unfortunately when pets arrive for an exam we cannot reason with them and tell them everything is going to be ok. All your pet knows is strange place, strange smell, strange sound, strange people and now he or she is in stress overload. Stress can lead to delayed healing, difficult exams, aggression, fear, etc. These are the ideas and real events we are changing. A fear free practice is a work in progress and may take several visits but we strive to change "strange" into good place, good smells, good sounds, good people and now your pet is good. So how do we do this? In this blog I am going to inform you of a few changes we have implemented. Many of you have already experienced a annual exam and said "Wow that was great - he didn't even know he got shots today" - THIS IS THE GOAL = FEAR FREE

Step one : Coaching the staff on Handling   The assistants have been coached on how to handle the pets in a less restrictive/ less stressful manner. This means: no fast movements, get on their level, constantly petting and talking in a calm voice, do not get in a hurry, move at their pace and adjust. Cats can be the most difficult of patients. By giving them some time in their own cat room and allowing them to explore for a few moments while the assistant gets the history.They have become less fearful and more comfortable. This allows us to handle them with less restraints, which is of course the goal.
Step two: Give the Cats and Dogs their own space  We try not to cross the two patients. Cats generally are fearful of dogs they don't know. But Guess what ? They also don't want to smell or hear them! So we gave them their own Cat exam room and their own boarding space away from the dogs.
Step three: We believe in the power of Treat
It may be peanut butter, dog biscuits, or 4 kinds of " Easy Cheese" but treats usually equal happy dogs and we will try whatever works! Don't worry we haven't left the cats out either we keep all kinds of different cat treats on hand in the Cat Room! We even keep cat nip!

 Step four: Minimize the waiting area
We will often try to get cat patients in as quickly as possible to the Cat Room. This helps minimize stress and noise. Some dogs may also not be comfortable with exposure to other dogs, so we  have them wait in the exam room instead of the lobby. This allows them to have their own space and quiet time.

Step five : Bring on the pheromones
Did you know they make calming pheromones for dogs and cats. A Veterinary company called Ceva makes two different products Feliway for the cats and Adaptil for the Dogs.
Feliway spray is a feline facial pheromone analogue. That means that it is a man-made version of the substance your cat deposits when she rubs her cheek on your leg or furniture. This substance is a signal that cats use to mark objects in their "territory". The smell tells the cat she is in a safe place. Feliway can be used to make a new place or situation "feel" more familiar and safe for cats
Adaptil has been proven to have a positive effect on puppies and dogs of all ages, helping reduce the signs of stress-related behaviors exhibited when encountering new experiences, unknown , environments, and other stressful situations.

Step 6: Make vaccinations less painful
We have chosen to use ULTRA vaccines from Boehringer Ingelheim Vetmedica, Inc. (BIVI). The Ultra vaccines are 1/2 ml doses with 50% less volume than most vaccines. More information can be found at This offers a more comfortable experience for the patient. We also chose to use a new vaccine choice available for protection from the primary pathogen of canine infectious respiratory disease (CIRD).  Bronchi-Shield® ORAL is unique because it is the first live, avirulent Bordetella bronchiseptica vaccine licensed to be administered orally to dogs. Oral administration means no needles and no fear!

These are just 6 of the ways we have implemented change. It would take a week to go through all our changes , which include pain medications, environmental enrichment for the cat patients, new equipment, new anesthesia protocols, new medication administration, new medications, new odor control protocols, new staff, etc.

We strive to offer every client and every patient the best possible experience in a fear free environment! We want everyone to come experience the difference.


Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Importance of Spaying and Neutering your Pets

September is Spay and Neuter Month here at the clinic.

What is the big deal about Spays and Neuters? Lets take a look at some quick but important reasons on why your pet should have surgery.

The ASPCA has a very good top 10 list for reasons why spays and neuters are important.

    Image result for spay neuter
  1. Your female pet will live a longer, healthier life.Spaying helps prevent uterine infections and breast cancer, which is fatal in about 50 percent of dogs and 90 percent of cats. Spaying your pet before her first heat offers the best protection from these diseases.
  2. Neutering provides major health benefits for your male.
    Besides preventing unwanted litters, neutering your male companion prevents testicular cancer, if done before six months of age.
  3. Your spayed female won't go into heat.
    While cycles can vary, female felines usually go into heat four to five days every three weeks during breeding season. In an effort to advertise for mates, they'll yowl and urinate more frequently—sometimes all over the house!
  4. Your male dog won't want to roam away from home.
    An intact male will do just about anything to find a mate! That includes digging his way under the fence and making like Houdini to escape from the house. And once he's free to roam, he risks injury in traffic and fights with other males.
     Image result for spay neuter
  5. Your neutered male will be much better behaved.
    Neutered cats and dogs focus their attention on their human families. On the other hand, unneutered dogs and cats may mark their territory by spraying strong-smelling urine all over the house. Many aggression problems can be avoided by early neutering.
  6. Spaying or neutering will NOT make your pet fat.
    Don’t use that old excuse! Lack of exercise and overfeeding will cause your pet to pack on the extra pounds—not neutering. Your pet will remain fit and trim as long as you continue to provide exercise and monitor food intake.
  7. It is highly cost-effective.
    The cost of your pet's spay/neuter surgery is a lot less than the cost of having and caring for a litter. It also beats the cost of treatment when your unneutered tom escapes and gets into fights with the neighborhood stray!
  8. Spaying and neutering your pet is good for the community.
    Stray animals pose a real problem in many parts of the country. They can prey on wildlife, cause car accidents, damage the local fauna and frighten children. Spaying and neutering packs a powerful punch in reducing the number of animals on the streets.
  9. Your pet doesn't need to have a litter for your children to learn about the miracle of birth.
    Letting your pet produce offspring you have no intention of keeping is not a good lesson for your children—especially when so many unwanted animals end up in shelters. There are tons of books and videos available to teach your children about birth in a more responsible way.
  10. Spaying and neutering helps fight pet overpopulation.
    Every year, millions of cats and dogs of all ages and breeds are euthanized or suffer as strays. These high numbers are the result of unplanned litters that could have been prevented by spaying or neutering.

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is an ever emerging problem and it is literally creeping into our area.

The last two months we have been performing free tick testing with our heartworm tests. So far we have found Lyme and Ehrlichiosis positive dogs. Most have these patients were most likely recently infected and are currently not clinical for either disease. If you are seeing ticks, its a very good chance one of those gross creatures is carrying some tick borne illness. As weather patterns change its only going to get worse. So is there a way to prevent tick borne illnesses. The answer is Yes! First lets take a look at Lyme disease according to the Companion Animal Parasite Council and then we will take a look out how to keep your dog safe.

What is Lyme Disease and How does it occur
Nymphal_Ixodes_w-caption.jpgLyme Disease is also called Borrelia burgdorferi. Dogs and cats become infected with B. burgdorferi when feeding ticks inoculate the organisms. In North America, the eastern and western black-legged tick, have been shown to transmit the infection to dogs. Also given the  common name of “deer tick.”

What is Lyme Disease and How does it occur
  • Most dogs exposed to Lyme disease appear to develop subclinical infections. (which mean they don't really show clinical signs)
  • Dogs with acute Lyme borreliosis may present with fever, shifting leg lameness, swollen joints, enlarged lymph nodes, lethargy, depression, and anorexia. In general, clinical improvement is observed following initiation of antibiotic therapy.
  • Chronic disease is also associated with shifting leg lameness and  progressive joint changes.  Acute progressive kidney failure has also been described.



Host Association and Transmission between Hosts

  • Pets become infected with B. burgdorferi upon inoculation of organisms by tick feeding. Ticks are not able to transmit infection immediately upon first attachment to a host, but instead require a period of approximately 24 to 48 hours of initial feeding before organisms are able to pass across the salivary glands and into the  host. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT IN RESPECT TO PREVENTION!

How do we make a  Diagnosis
  • A clinical diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis usually depends on the presence of compatible clinical signs and positive serology for B. burgdorferi.
  • While your patient is at the clinic we will often start with a test called a 4DX snap test that includes a heartworm test and several of the most common tick born diseases in our area. This includes Lyme disease!
  •   We may pursue further serology if the test is negative and we still believe the patient is clinical for Lyme disease. 

  • The standard treatment for disease caused by B. burgdorferi infection in dogs and people is a antibiotic called doxycycline . Long courses of treatment may be necessary in some dogs, particularly those with kidney disease.

How do we Prevent Lyme Disease in your Dog.

  • Vaccines are available to limit Lyme  in dogs. The decision to vaccinate against Lyme should be based on a risk assessment of the individual dog that includes information about where the dog lives and how often it frequents a tick-infested area. By talking with one of our veterinarians they  can help you make the decision as to whether your dog is a good candidate for this vaccine.  
  • Vaccination against Lyme  does not replace the need for stringent tick-control programs in pets. Vaccines may not protect against all strains of B. burgdorferi, and ticks harbor multiple pathogens for which vaccines are not yet available. For this reason, CAPC recommends that all pets be maintained year-round on tick protection. These include Bravecto, Frontline, Nexgard, Seresto or Preventic collars. We can also help you choose which one of these would be best for your pet as well.

  • Attached ticks found on pets should be promptly removed to prevent transmission of disease. To avoid both zoonotic infection and accidental inoculation of pathogens into the pet during the removal process, ticks should be retracted using forceps or a commercial tick-removal device, and care should be taken to avoid contact with tick contents, ideally by wearing gloves. Careful attention to handwashing following tick removal is also recommended.

Public Health Considerations

Lyme borreliosis caused by B. burgdorferi is the most common vector-borne disease of people in the United States. Symptoms of human Lyme disease include a ‘bull’s-eye-shaped’ rash expanding from the site of the tick bite, fever, and headache. Persistent Lyme disease in people may be manifested by recurrent arthritis, neurologic disease, and heart disease.
  • People contract Lyme infection the same way that pets do: via the bite of an infected tick from a tick-infested environment.
  • Epidemiologists at the CDC reported a positive correlation between canine seroprevalence levels reported on the CAPC website to the incidence of human Lyme disease reported to the CDC.

  • Prevention of human infection  relies on preventing tick bites in people through many of the same measures that prevent tick bites on animals.
  • Veterinarians recognize that dogs can be sentinels for the risk of Lyme disease to people.
So What should we do?
  • We should continue to monitor for Tick borne illness and be aware that it is moving into our area
  • Most importantly we should keep our pets on Tick prevention (remember it takes 24-48 hours to transmit this disease) this gives time for your preventions to kill the tick and prevent transmission
  • Tick prevention is now easy and we can help you pick a topical, chew or collar.
  • Those who are at high risk should receive a Lyme vaccine
  • If your dog tests positive for Lyme disease, you should let your own physician know!

Monday, June 8, 2015

Cat Friendly Week

 We are excited to Announce CAT FRIENDLY WEEK !

Our first annual CAT FRIENDLY WEEK will be held on June 23, June 24 and June 25.
So, what's the scoop on this event? We want to make sure your feline family member is in puurrrfect health, give them protection from nasty bugs and save you some money all in one visit! Your cat will leave here with the protection they deserve and a new toy to take home. We will also have human refreshments and an ICE CREAM TRUCK here all day. Come see why we are a Cat Friendly Practice and take advantage of FREE ice cream and awesome savings. Call us today to schedule your feline family members appointment!

Check out the savings you can take advantage of.....
Get the Rabies and FVRCP vaccine = $5 off
                                Get the Rabies, FVRCP and Leukemia vaccine =  $10 off.
                                Get the Rabies, FVRCP, Leukemia vaccines with Profender (deworming) = $15 off.

Why Cat Vaccines are Important

What Exactly Are Vaccines?
Vaccines help  the body's immune system to fight the invasion of disease-causing organisms. When the vaccine is introduced to the body, the immune system is stimulated. If a cat is exposed to the real disease, his immune system is now prepared to recognize and fight  off  the disease entirely or reduce the severity it may cause.  Basically vaccines are very important in managing the health of your cats.

The American Association of Feline Practitioners divided vaccines into two categories—core and non-core. Core vaccines are considered vital to all cats and protect against panleukopenia (feline distemper), feline calici virus, feline herpes virus type I (rhinotracheitis). This is what we refer to as the FVRCP vaccine. Also rabies is considered the other core vaccine.  Other vaccines are given depending on the cat's lifestyle; this include vaccines for feline leukemia virus. We strongly recommend the leukemia vaccine since the virus is so prevalent in our area. . Our veterinarians can determine what vaccines are best for your cat.

Are Any Vaccines Required By Law?
Each state has its own laws governing the administration of the rabies vaccine. The state of Tennessee requires proof of rabies vaccination on all cats!

The importance of deworming
Most infected cats do not show signs of having worms; however, heavy burdens of worms can cause weight loss, vomiting and diarrhea, irritation around the anus and failure to thrive.
Importantly, while worms can sometimes cause problems for the cat itself, some worms can also be passed on to humans and on rare occasions can be a cause of serious human disease. For these reasons, regular treatment of cats and kittens to prevent or eliminate worms is very important. The Companion Animal Parasite Council and the American Association of Feline Practioners recommendation for deworming Cats is as follows: Indoor cats should be dewormed once a year and Outdoor cats should be dewormed every 6 months. These medications should include tapeworm elimination.

What age do cats need vaccines and deworming?
We start vaccinations and deworming at 6 weeks of age
Navigating the Veterinary VisitStress is one of the top reasons for lack of or skipped visits for cats. Owners report that the stress of transporting their pets to the veterinarian, along with the cat’s reluctance to enter the carrier or a new and unfamiliar environment, causes anxiety for cats and their owners. Both feel anxiety and stress before they even set foot in the office. Once in the office, there are other potential stressors including dogs or other cats in the waiting area, staff who do not know how to handle cats, and a canine-focused environment.
CFPs are the antidote to the stressful veterinary visit for cats!

 CFPs Elevate Standard of Care
CFPs are sensitive to cats’ distinct characteristics and equipped to address their physical and behavioral needs, thereby increasing cat owner knowledge, veterinary visits and ultimately improving the health care of cats by educating on the importance of wellness visits and preventive care.

Veterinarians and their team members who have achieved CFP status regard the practice with an entirely new perspective. The practice must train staff on the distinct needs of cats and assess their physical environment, as well as the delivery of medical care provided. Each CFP has at least one designated‘ Cat Advocate’ on staff – a knowledgeable professional leader who ensures feline-focused standards are met and followed. 

So how do you take advantage of this event? That's the easiest part! All you need to do is call and speak with any of our receptionist, make an appointment for one of these three days, and we will take care of the rest. We will be happy to examine your cat and discuss what vaccines would be appropriate to keep him or her healthy.
So Call Us Today and get your spot reserved!!!

Monday, April 27, 2015

Fleas and Ticks are Coming

Its that time of year again. Fleas and Ticks come out in large numbers every summer. These parasites pose a very real threat to the health of your pet and the well-being of your family.

Flea infestations are one of the most common health problem in dogs and cats. Several dog and cats will become infested with fleas at some time during their life. These tiny, almost-invisible pests are much more than an annoyance. They make life miserable by disrupting your household with a vicious cycle of biting and scratching. Fleas don't just make your pet itchy, they can actually make him/her quite ill. They can lead to horrible skin infections or can even cause severe anemia (blood loss) that can lead to death. Tapeworms are even caused by fleas. If the flea happens to be ingested by your pet while grooming, the tapeworm is released and continues to develop into the adult worm within the intestine of your pet.

Ticks are not insects, but belong to the spider family. Ticks can be so tiny that they are not easily seen. Ticks attach to pets and feed until they are engorged with blood. Ticks cause direct problems for our pets by their presence, local irritation and local infections. Worse still, all life stages of ticks carry diseases that can cause serious health problems both for pets and humans. Ticks are second only to mosquitoes throughout the world in transmitting infectious disease to humans and animals. If your pet is bitten by a tick, the results can be fatal. If you have been in areas where ticks are a problem and your dog becomes ill, do not forget to mention to us that your pet has recently been exposed to ticks.

If ticks are allowed to attach they may cause your pet to have a fever, lameness, loss of appetite, arthritis  or swelling of the joints, lethargy or depression. They can transmit illnesses such as Babesiosis, ehrilichiosis or lyme disease.

Prevention is key! We can prevent all of these illnesses and threats to your pet and family by choosing the appropriate medication. There are so many options now that we can find one that fits you and your pet's lifestyle easily.

Bravecto - Bravecto offers protection from fleas and ticks for up to 12 weeks! Each flavored chewable is packed with the most advanced and powerful anti flea and tick medication to date. Because the medication is chewable there is no worry about it being washed off. Dogs also love the taste so it can easily be given. Begins to work in the first 2 hours and stays strong for a full 3 months. This medication comes in individually wrapped packs.

Comfortis-Comfortis (Spinosad) is the first FDA-approved, chewable tablet that kills fleas and prevents flea infestations on dogs for a full month. The tablet Starts killing fleas within 30 minutes this allows the medication to Kills fleas before they can lay eggs. The medication is easily given in the convenience of a chewable, beef-flavored tablet. Since this is a tablet the medication does not wash off dogs that swim or dogs that require frequent bathing. Also because Comfortis is administered orally, there’s no risk of application site reactions. Comfortis is also available combined with a Heartworm prevention in Trifexis.

Frontline- Frontline Plus not only kills 98-100% of adult fleas on your dog within 12 hours like  but also has a special added ingredient that kills flea and tick eggs as well as flea larvae, providing your pet with the most complete flea and tick protection available.  Frontline Stops flea infestations and  Kills adult fleas, ticks, flea eggs and larvae. This is a topical that is applied to the skin just behind the head. Each application provides one full month of protection. The topical is waterproof. Frontline is only guaranteed if purchased through a Veterinarian.

Advantix -K9 Advantix is a once-a-month topical tick, mosquito and flea treatment for dogs and puppies 7 weeks of age and older. It contains imidacloprid and permethrin. It also remains effective after swimming or bathing. This is the ultimate protection for your dog! DO NOT USE ON CATS. Advantix will REPEL and kills ticks , REPEL and kills fleas,  REPEL mosquitoes, and prevents blood-feeding by biting fleas  and Effectively treats chewing lice

Seresto-Seresto Collars protect against Fleas and Ticks for 8 months. Seresto is available for dogs and cats. Through its' innovative delivery techonology, pet owners can be confident their pet(s) are protected against fleas and ticks for 8 months. The collar should be worn continuously for the 8 month protection period. Check periodically and adjust fit if necessary, especially when puppies are rapidly growing. This collar is also designed with a safety-closure mechanism and is water resistant.

These are just a few of the products we have for your pet. We have several combination products that will help protect against parasites as well as protect against Heartworms.  Since there are so many options we would love to see you and your pet and help you pick out the perfect prevention!

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Easter Hazards for Pets

We love Easter! Spring is a wonderful time to get back outdoors and enjoy the sun after our long cold winter. Easter brings flowers,  bunnies and baskets, flowers and warmer weather but it also bring some pet hazards that most of us never consider. Lets look at a  few of the most common we will see this holiday and then take inventory in your own homes. It's better than the alternative of spending Easter in the emergency room at the veterinary hospital.

1)Plastic Easter eggs and other small plastic toys are easy for pets to ingest. They can then become either choking hazards or foreign objects trapped in the gastrointestinal tract. Make sure to keep dogs and cats away from Easter baskets or if joining the family festivities make sure to keep a close eye that no one steals an egg.

2) At Spring we start to see the beautiful flowers. One of the most popular at Easter is the Easter lily. Most pet owners are unaware that the flower is highly toxic to cats. The Lily is not toxic to the dog but if enough is ingested a wicked upset stomach will ensue.  All parts of the Easter lily plant are poisonous – the petals, the leaves, the stem and even the pollen. Cats love to play and chew  on indoor plants. If the cat ingest as few as one or two leaves, they can suffer severe kidney failure.

What to look for if you think your cat has ingested some of the lily: symptoms can often develop within 12 hours of exposure. Early signs  are consistent with kidney disease such as: vomiting, not eating, lethargy and dehydration. Some cats if severe may stagger or have seizures.
There is no effective antidote for lily poisoning we treat the exposure with supportive care. So if you think your cat has been exposed the sooner you can get your cat to us the better his or her chances are at survival.

A few other lilies that are toxic to cats include the Tiger lilies, Day lilies and Asiatic lilies. These are often found in florist bouquets  so you may want to file this away in thing to remember for anniversaries, weddings, funerals, birthdays, etc.

easter grass: thinking outside of the basket...3)We talked about Easter eggs and small toys that are often found in Easter baskets. Now lets talk about the Easter basket itself.  Easter baskets are often filled with the colorful plastic strings we all know as Easter grass. They even make this now as a candy and some are even scented.  This stuff is an Easter staple and I couldn't imagine the holiday without it. Here is the problem though if your cat or dog ingests something “stringy” like Easter grass, it can become stuck at the base of the tongue or stomach, rendering it unable to pass through the intestines. The grass now becomes a linear foreign object and cause severe damage to the intestinal tract, often requiring expensive abdominal surgery. So watch those baskets carefully! Cats are especially sneaking with this one!

4) Easter would not be complete without candy. Chocolate Easter bunnies, marshmallow peeps, Cadbury cream eggs, assorted gums and jelly beans... I am excited just thinking about it all. Many dogs including my own have a sweet tooth, a great nose and a determination to find chocolate!  This is a major concern.  The chemical toxin in chocolate is methylxanthines (a relative of caffeine). The signs to watch for are vomiting, diarrhea and  hyperactivity. We will often see an abnormal heart rhythm, seizures, and possibly death.
Image result for chocolate easter bunnyThe other danger is candy that is made with xylitol. Xylitol is an artificial sweetener used in many candies, chewing gums and baked goods. Xylitol is extremely toxic to dogs. Small amounts of the sugar alcohol can cause hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), tremors, weakness, seizures, liver failure or even death in dogs.

Try and keep these hazards in mind. If any exposure occurs, remember we are always here to help you and your pets. We hope everyone has a wonderful and safe Easter.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Why a Certified Cat Friendly Practice is Important

Cats are the clear pet of choice, with many more owned cats than dogs. Yet, when it comes to a cat’s health, we don’t always treat them the same. Cats may be number one in a pet owner’s heart, but dogs seem to receive more consistent and regular veterinary health care. Surprisingly, cat wellness and veterinary care do not appear to be as high of a priority among cat owners.

Consider this:
• Almost twice as many cats than dogs never visit the veterinarian
• Of the cats that do visit the veterinarian, they average 26 percent fewer visits than dogs

In order to improve the health and well-being of cats, the American Association of Feline Practitioners (AAFP) has initiated the Cat Friendly Practice (CFP) program. More info can be found at

Navigating the Veterinary Visit
Stress is one of the top reasons for lack of or skipped visits for cats. Owners report that the stress of transporting their pets to the veterinarian, along with the cat’s reluctance to enter the carrier or a new and unfamiliar environment, causes anxiety for cats and their owners. Both feel anxiety and stress before they even set foot in the office. Once in the office, there are other potential stressors including dogs or other cats in the waiting area, staff who do not know how to handle cats, and a canine-focused environment.
CFPs are the antidote to the stressful veterinary visit for cats!

 CFPs Elevate Standard of Care
CFPs are sensitive to cats’ distinct characteristics and equipped to address their physical and behavioral needs, thereby increasing cat owner knowledge, veterinary visits and ultimately improving the health care of cats by educating on the importance of wellness visits and preventive care.

Veterinarians and their team members who have achieved CFP status regard the practice with an entirely new perspective. The practice must train staff on the distinct needs of cats and assess their physical environment, as well as the delivery of medical care provided. Each CFP has at least one designated‘Cat Advocate’ on staff – a knowledgeable professional leader who ensures feline-focused standards are met and followed.

What to Expect From a CFP?
CFPs consider the unique obstacles cats battle in the waiting and examination rooms, handling of feline patients, attitude and knowledge of staff, and the comfort and concern for cats and their owners. At a CFP-designated clinic, pet owners will experience cat-friendly features such as:

• Skilled staff—Within a CFP, clients will find that the staff is well-versed in feline-friendly handling techniques and can expertly treat frightened cats. Furthermore, the staff is well-trained in alternate techniques to calm an anxious cat and ensure that examinations and procedures do not escalate anxiety.
• Individualized health care plan—As with humans, health issues change as aging occurs. The practice will create a health care plan that is specific to your cat. Getting yearly check-ups, and often more than once a year for older cats, can help a condition or disease so it can be treated early on.
• Low-stress environment—One obvious advantage of a CFP is a physical environment that is all about the cat including special waiting rooms or waiting accommodations, feline-sensitive examination rooms and ward facilities, and equipment for cats.

Other areas that are vetted for cat safety and comfort include the operating room and anesthesia, diagnostic imaging, laboratory facilities, and dentistry.

Finding a Cat Friendly Practice
The decision to seek out a CFP is an important step. As humans, we take great care in searching for health providers who meet our needs. Now, with the CFP program, it just got a lot easier to find a veterinary practice that is expertly suited to address your cat’s unique needs and to provide you with advice and information that is critical to your cat’s health.

Cat Friendly Practices are listed on the AAFP website at

Munford Animal Hospital is CFP designated.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Why is Dental care important?

Dog with ToothbrushDid you know that 4 out of every 5 dogs over the age of 3 years has some sort of periodontal disease? So it is very important to have your pet checked on a regular basis for dental disease.

Dental disease is an infection of the teeth, gums, and surrounding structures and is by far the most common major health problem of cats and dogs. According to the American Veterinary Dental Society, more than 80 percent of dogs and 70 percent of cats show signs of oral disease by the time they are 3 years old.

What is Dental disease?
Dental disease begins when bacteria in the mouth forms plaque that sticks to the surface of the teeth.  The plaque will harden into dental calculus (tartar), which is firmly attached to the teeth.
The plaque and calculus spreads under the gum line and this Bad Bacteria  will set in motion a cycle of damage to the supporting tissues around the tooth, eventually leading to loss of the tooth. Bacteria under the gum line secrete toxins, which contribute to the tissue damage if untreated. These bacteria also stimulates the animal’s immune system and eventually causes damage to the supporting tissues of the tooth.
If left untreated the bacteria from the mouth can enter the bloodstream and be carried around the body. Studies in dogs have shown that periodontal disease is associated with changes in the heart, liver, and kidneys. 

POD / DENTAL DISEASE and Pet Oral infectionWhat are the signs of dental disease?
Bad Breath
Excessive salivation
Dropping food or not wanting to eat
Facial swelling
Bleeding gums, swollen or red gums
Pawing at the face
Loosing Teeth

What all is included when a Dental is performed?
Your pet  is placed under anesthesia to prevent any anxiety or pain during the procedure. This allows the veterinarian and technician to thoroughly examine your pet mouth and to remove any damage teeth that may be causing pain or irritation. The risk of anesthesia is very small compared to the significant  risk of internal organ damage that occurs with untreated dental disease

After all problems have been addressed and a through examine has been performed the teeth get a good cleaning to remove all the built up tartar from the teeth as well as under the gum line.

The teeth are  polished to prevent pitting of the tooth enamel. This also helps prevent buildup of plaque and tartar.
A fluoride treatment helps to strengthen the enamel and reduces sensitivity of the teeth.
A Dental sealant (OraVet) is also applied at the end. This sealant applied to the tooth surface at the time of the dental cleaning helps to reduce the rate of bacteria colonization and plaque buildup on the teeth.

What can we do at home to prevent dental disease ?
CET Dental chews
t/d food
Brushing teeth

*** During dental health month we will be giving away all of the above with information on how to use all to maintain great dental health!

Do I need to make an appointment for my dog to have a dental cleaning?
Yes! The awesome thing about February is that during this month we offer FREE dental exams! This allows the doctors to perform any pre- anesthetic tests and examine your pet for any other underlying disorder that may need to be addressed prior to the procedure. We may also determine that antibiotics need to be prescribed before the procedure takes place.  We will then schedule your pets dental for a specific date and time.
On the day of your pets dental, they are not allowed to eat anything but they can have water up until the procedure. They can have dinner the night before but no food after midnight. The procedure will be performed in the morning and your pet will be able to go home that afternoon. An assistant will always call you and give you updates but you are more than welcome to call and check on your baby throughout the day!


If you have  any questions about your pets dental care needs, please give us a call or come by for your free dental exam. This is a great time to get your pets teeth clean and start the new year with fresh breath! Also its a great way to try out awesome dental products for free in the gift bags!