In human news: Experts say this year’s allergy season is expected to be one of the worst on record- thanks to Mr Jack Frost and Old Man Winter. Snow storms and lingering sub-zero temperatures caused trees to bloom
late. Usually they produce allergens slowly with trees blooming in March and ragweed and grass coming out in April. With spring
getting a late start this year, trees and shrubs and everything else is blooming all at once.
So what about in our pets? Yes-- in the case what is true for us is true for our pets as well. For those with out door allergies (what we call atopy) its going to most likely be very bad. Lets talk a little about allergies...
Allergic contact dermatitis is a disease, which occurs when an
animal's skin overreacts to the environment. Allergic dogs may also suffer from secondary bacterial or yeast skin infections, which may cause hair loss, scabs or crusts on the skin. Clinical signs may also include runny eyes, sneezing, diarrhea, ear infections, paw chewing, constant licking, and excessive scratching.
Dogs and cats can be allergic to all kinds of things including grasses, trees, laundry detergents, perfumes, cleaning agents, flowers, etc. One of the most common allergies we see is actually flea allergy dermatitis. Dogs can actually be allergic to the bite of just one flea. This will cause a large patch of hair loss, redness and excessive itching just above the tail head. Any of these allergies can make your dog and cat miserable.
Allergies can be managed in several ways. The key to managing all allergies is removing or restricting exposure
to the allergen in the pet's environment. In the case of flea allergies, by placing them on flea prevention we will often see the clinical signs completely resolve and keep them from reoccurring. If we cannot remove or limit the allergen then fatty acids, antihistamines, various medications, and topical
shampoos can be used to control the itching. For severe allergy sufferers we may also use allergy testing and vaccine formulation to control symptoms.
Allergies are complex and sometimes difficult to treat but by working together we can make your pet comfortable and hopefully allergy free. Please come see us if your pet has any clinical signs of allergies or if you would like more information concerning scratching or hairloss. Also make sure all pets are on a monthly flea prevention!!!!
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